Japji Sahib Path Audio

by onnapps



Japji Sahib consists of the Mool Mantra as the beginning followed by 38 hymns and a final Salok at the end of this composition. It is a famous and concise summary of Sikh philosophy. It is a first path in nitnem. Purpose of this app is to let busy and mobile young generation reconnect with Sikhism and Gurubani by reading path on electronic gadgets like mobile & tablets.***FEATURES**** READ JAPJI SAHIB WITH AUDIO PLAY * JAPJI SAHIB IN 3 LANGUAGES GURMUKHI(PUNJABI), HINDI AND ENGLISH* JAPJI SAHIB IS LIFETIME FREE DOWNLOAD FROM PLAYSTORE* VERTICLE AND HORIZONTAL MODE* LIGHT WEIGHT AND FAST APP* EYE CATCHING AND BEAUTIFUL INTERFACE* VERY EASY TO BE USE AND SHARE* USER CAN ZOOM IN OR OUT WHILE READING* USER CAN DOWNLOAD OTHER APPS